The Foundation stage team includes Mrs Morgan , the class teacher (also Head of Foundation Stage and KS1) and Mrs Bradshaw the teaching assistant.
As children enter our Foundation Unit we work with parents to ensure each child has time to settle in to their new environment in a way that is as calm and smooth as possible. We value all experiences a child has had prior to starting school with us, and we look forward to working with parents to ensure each child builds upon those experiences and reaches their full potential. We are committed to providing an environment in which the children feel safe, secure and happy. It is a place where the activities and resources provided are stimulating, challenging and inspire learning and growth – as well of course as being great fun!
In this stage we hope that all our parents will understand the importance of reading with their child and learning the Little Wandle phonics sounds. School are always happy to support parents who would like advice on supporting reading, just book a time with the class teacher. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Welcome to Foundation Stage