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Valuing Everyone, Growing Together



All Saints Church of England Primary School is a nurturing and inclusive place to learn and grow where Christian values are at the heart of all we do. Our school family is committed to creating a safe, caring, inspirational and enjoyable place for everyone to grow from a tiny spark into a great fire!



For this reason I remind you to fan into flame, the gift of God…For the spirit God gave us dos not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1: 6-7



Mission Statement

Our ambition is for All Saints to be a school where each child:

 • has compassion, acceptance and love for others, including all differences, cultures and beliefs, developed through our Christian ethos and values.

• feels a strong sense of belonging to our school family.

• masters strong skills in reading, writing and maths; applying them in everyday life through a broad, balanced, inclusive and inspiring curriculum.

• has strong foundations for life in the wider world and a love of learning.

• is treated with respect, compassion and fairness knowing that their achievements will be celebrated.

• contributes to the school community and wider world by serving others and looking after the environment.

• understands the importance of physical and mental wellbeing and takes steps to keep themselves healthy.



‘How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire’, is St James warning of how our words and deeds, no matter how small, can have far-reaching consequences, but it’s also a powerful metaphor that reminds us of how very small and seemingly insignificant actions can initiate great things. All Saints Primary School is focussed on nurturing and developing each tiny spark so that our children will become great flames that shine brightly in the world. Each and every small action that takes place within our school is understood to be vital in achieving our vision.


How do we achieve our vision?
