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Upper Key Stage Two

Our Upper Key Stage Two Team includes Mr Jones, Mrs Weatherall, Mrs Kemlo and Mr Hicklin the class teachers. They are supported by Mrs Brooks, Mrs Dean, Miss Sroga, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Kemlo the Teaching Assistants.


In Upper Key Stage Two we strive to ensure our children are ready to leave us with all of the skills they will need to ensure their continued success at their chosen secondary school and beyond into adulthood as successful citizens. Learning is strongly focussed on achieving this aim with continued development of Literacy and Numeracy skills, a clear focus on learning behaviour, an understanding of the wider world and their importance in making a positive contribution to it.


The topics the children learn through at this stage are chosen to support this aim. For example, in ‘Frozen Planet’ they learn about the lives of Inuit people and Polar wildlife and how climate change is affecting them.  In ‘Scream Machine’ the children investigate the forces and Design Technology skills involved in creating Roller Coasters and how theme parks attract customers, with an added bonus of a visit to Drayton Manor!


Homework at this stage is strongly linked to learning in class and parents can help their children by encouraging their child’s independence in completing and returning tasks on time and to a good standard. They still need to practise reading to an adult, as well as on their own, in order to increase their vocabulary knowledge, reading speed and stamina.

Theme Park visit to experience forces.

Modelling our own rides

Investigating materials

The Farm Kitchen

Learning about plant reproduction

In April 2022, Y5 went to visit the Farm Kitchen at Ewerby, our school meals provider as part of our Sow, Grow and Farm project. We visited the farm and learned about the crops they grow and what foods they are used to make. We also had a tour of the kitchen where the dinners are made. Then we kneaded and decorated our own bread dough, which was baked at the kitchen and brought back for us to take home. We also planted a tomato plant to take home. It was a great visit


World Book Day 2022

We enjoyed sharing our favourite books, dressing up as book characters and watching authors and illustrators talk about their work in the BBC teach live lesson. We rapped along with MC Grammar to his Reading is amazing rap. We shared our favourite times and places to read.Make sure you treat yourself to a £1 book or get £1 off your next book with your world book day token.

Remember books aren’t just made of words…they’re full of places to visit and people to meet. 

World Book day costumes

Dance Mat Typing - Learn to type the fun way!

Bitesize SATs Revision - Practise for your SATs with these activities in English, Maths and Science.
